The Naming of Lusitano Horses
Lusitanos names follow a naming scheme. The first letter of the horse name correlates to the year of birth. Letters not used are K, W and Y.
Breeders must honor this naming convention when naming their Lusitanos. If this is not done, APSL will insert the current year's letter followed by a hyphen at the beginning of the name of the horse, thus becoming part of the horse's official name.
Year: Letter | Year: Letter | Year: Letter | Year: Letter | Year: Letter |
1990: H | 2000: T | 2010: F | 2020: Q | 2030: C |
1991: I | 2001: U | 2011: G | 2021: R | 2031: D |
1992: J | 2002: V | 2012: H | 2022: S | 2032: E |
1993: L | 2003: X | 2013: I | 2023: T | 2033: F |
1994: M | 2004: Z | 2014: J | 2024: U | 2034: G |
1995: N | 2005: A | 2015: L | 2025: V | 2035: H |
1996: P | 2006: B | 2016: M | 2026: X | 2036: I |
1997: Q | 2007: C | 2017: N | 2027: Z | 2037: J |
1998: R | 2008: D | 2018: O | 2028: A | 2038: L |
1999: S | 2009: E | 2019: P | 2029: B | 2039: M |