APSL Horse Registration

USLA registers Lusitano horses with APSL, the Portuguese registry for the Pure Blood Lusitano horse. If your horse is already registered with APSL, you do not need to register the horse here. USLA recognizes all Lusitano horses which are registered with APSL with no action from the owner. Please let us know if you have questions.
Additionally, USLA has no relationship with IALHA, which previously held the APSL protocol in the US and Canada. If you started the APSL registration process with IALHA, but the process was not completed, please let us know so that we may assist you more effectively.
- Note that breeders are expected to register foals before they are one year old. USLA is offering a grace period at this time whereby older horses may be registered.
- Please enter all of your foals for the year in one or more of these forms.
- Note that both parents must be registered with APSL and posess Adults Book (LA/LG A) numbers for the foal to be registered.
- If the horse does not possess an Adults Book (LA/LG A) number and only a Birth Book (LN/LG N) you may complete the registration process, however the horse will be filed under the parents without official registration until both parents have Adults Book (LA/LG A) numbers. If you have a stallion or mare, waiting for the next inspection(revision) this is common practice. Once the parent is approved, the offspring filed will automatically have their registration processed with a Birth Book (LN/LG N) and papers issued. This also can be completed, when both offspring and parent are planned to be revised at the same time. For example, the dam needs to be revised and her offspring is old enough and eligible for revision once the dam has been approved. In order for this to happen, all regular registration paperwork must be completed and filed on the eligible offspring. *Please keep in mind, the offspring will only be issued registration papers IF the parent passes inspection. If the parent fails inspection, the offspring will not be registered and all fees paid are forfeited.*
- When choosing a name for your horse, it cannot exceed 24 characters including letters, signs, and spaces. The first letter of the name should correlate with the year of birth (K, W, and Y cannot be used as the first letter of the name). For example: In 2021, names begin with the letter “R” and in 2022, names will begin with the letter “S”. If you submit a horse's name that does not start with the letter correlating with the year of birth it will be added to the front of the name, for example "A-Horses Name". Full naming list is found HERE.
- Note that a horses' registration is not complete until the Horse Diagram form has been filled out by the veterinarian and the veterinarian has collect the DNA sample and submitted it according to instructions on the horse diagram form.
- DNA parentage MUST be verified and the horse MUST have a microchip. USLA DOES NOT accept OUTSIDE DNA reports, DNA must be performed by USLA. APSL requires that all horses be uniquely identified with a 15 digit ISO 11784/11785 compliant microchip code. Microchips starting with the prefix 900 cannot be used because these chips could have duplicate numbers. Prior to registration, the microchip number must be read and verified by a veterinarian on the Horse Diagram Form. If your horse has a microchip that is not ISO 11784/11785 compliant a new compliant microchip may need to be placed.
- You will receive your registration papers by mail. *Please keep in mind, all forms have to be sent to Portugal. The process can take a few months or more to complete and receive your physical papers. We HIGHLY recommend starting this process when horses are 6 months of age or younger. If you are getting your horse registered/inscribed in order to be inspected this process must be started at least 8 months prior or there is no guarantee paperwork will be completed in time for inspection*
- If you have purchased a horse that is eligible for registration with APSL, USLA will assist you in this process.
- Note that regardless of how long you have owned the horse, APSL rules dictate that the breeder is the first owner of the horse and the breeder must sign off on the registration of the horse. You will need to provide all of the breeder's information as they will be sent a Birth Declaration document to sign. The Birth Declaration MUST be signed by the breeder in order for the horse to be registered.
- Additionally, in order for the horse to leave the breeder's name, a transfer of ownership form MUST be completed. Transfer of ownership form can be found HERE.
- Both parents must be registered with APSL and posess Adults Book (LA/LG A) numbers for the foal to be registered.
- If the horse does not possess an Adults Book (LA/LG A) number and only a Birth Book (LN/LG N) you may complete the registration process, however the horse will be filed under the parents without official registration until both parents have Adults Book (LA/LG A) numbers. If you have a stallion or mare, waiting for the next inspection(revision) this is common practice. Once the parent is approved, the offspring filed will automatically have their registration processed with a Birth Book (LN/LG N) and papers issued. This also can be completed, when both offspring and parent are planned to be revised at the same time. For example, the dam needs to be revised and her offspring is old enough and eligible for revision once the dam has been approved. In order for this to happen, all regular registration paperwork must be completed and filed on the eligible offspring. *Please keep in mind, the offspring will only be issued registration papers IF the parent passes inspection. If the parent fails inspection, the offspring will not be registered and all fees paid are forfeited.*
- When choosing a name for your horse, it cannot exceed 24 characters including letters, signs, and spaces. The first letter of the name should correlate with the year of birth (K, W, and Y cannot be used as the first letter of the name). For example: In 2021, names begin with the letter “R” and in 2022, names will begin with the letter “S”. If you submit a horse's name that does not start with the letter correlating with the year of birth it will be added to the front of the name, for example "A-Horses Name". Full naming list is found HERE.
- Note that a horses' registration submission is not complete until the Horse Diagram form has been filled out by the veterinarian and the veterinarian has collect the DNA sample and submitted it according to instructions on the horse diagram form.
- DNA parentage MUST be verified and the horse MUST have a microchip. USLA DOES NOT accept OUTSIDE DNA reports, DNA must be performed by USLA. APSL requires that all horses be uniquely identified with a 15 digit ISO 11784/11785 compliant microchip code. Microchips starting with the prefix 900 cannot be used because these chips could have duplicate numbers. Prior to registration, the microchip number must be read and verified by a veterinarian on the Horse Diagram Form. If your horse has a microchip that is not ISO 11784/11785 compliant a new compliant microchip may need to be placed.
- You will receive your registration papers by mail.*Please keep in mind, all forms have to be sent to Portugal. The process can take a few months or more to complete and receive your physical papers. We HIGHLY recommend starting this process when horses are 6 months of age or younger. If you are getting your horse registered/inscribed in order to be inspected this process must be started at least 8 months prior or there is no guarantee paperwork will be completed in time for inspection*